
“My law practice relies on being able to get my services in front of people who need representation now ... I used to rely on the phone book, but JailBlotter.com has been my number one tool for marketing my legal practice for over two years now and it really works!” -- attorney

“I work for a small county sheriff’s dept. outside Oklahoma County ... JailBlotter.com allows us to locate persons who have outstanding warrants in our area...” -- law enforcement

“When a person is arrested on an alcohol or drug related charge while driving, they are often ordered to attend a certified school. JailBlotter.com helps us get our school’s information in front of people who will most likely need us in the near future.” -- DUI school

"Our company manages over 1,000 apartment units. Our goal is to provide our tenants with a safe place to live... Jail Blotter helps us identify tenants that have been arrested for drug or violent crimes ... with that knowledge we can make an informed decision as to whether or not to renew their lease or evict them." -- property management company

"I have a son and a daughter living and going to school in Oklahoma City. As a parent I want to know if they have gotten themselves into any trouble with the law so that we can get them the help they need. [Jail Blotter] takes some of the stress of parenting away and I know if they start hanging with the wrong crowd we'll know." -- concerned parent